

My name is Lauren I am a Graphic Designer and Photographer with a Bachelor of Fine Arts from
Eastern Michigan University

Artist Statement

Process is important in my work, I like to be able to physically touch elements as I put them together during
the makings of my pieces. Most of my work involves mixed media elements such as; pen, pencil, watercolor, collage, photography, screen-printing, and digital components. The physical touch of the hand is important
in my work whether it be drawing, cutting up, manipulating or trying out new development processes. Experimenting with different outcomes, techniques, and tools is what makes my work stand apart. Most of the pieces I put together involve the use of a grid, being strictly adhered to or deliberately broken. My work should make viewers think and talk about its topics, question its materials and how it was created.  

I see a large importance to use photography in a fine art and commercial context in my work as a designer.